The horn of Africa foundation highly values the contribution from the public. Apart from contributing financially, there are several methods you can contribute to the activities of the foundation to make a real difference. These include becoming an ambassador, volunteering, and fundraising, campaigning and undertaking field work.
Raising awareness of the foundation’s work in your local community in order to garner support for its activities and programmes. These include talking to your family members, friends and colleagues about the foundation and how they may contribute.
You can plan and organise fundraising events at your local community. These events may include bake sales, gala dinner, charity auction, second-hand goods sale etc.
Campaigning: For programmes to have a real impact, you can campaign for a particular programme planned by the foundation e.g. educates a child, feed a child and life skills training. To achieve this success, volunteers are encouraged to utilise all means of campaigning such as social media, social networking and call campaigning.
Field work:
Fantastic opportunity is available for short placements to deliver teacher training, counselling, student placement (summer), life skills (workshops) etc. Volunteers with practical skills that will improve the lives of the refugees are really needed. This would be a wonderful and life changing experience for anyone wishing to make a real difference in the world.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to participate in any of the listed activities or for further information. Contact us